eProcess Technologies

Partial Processing – System Integration (B-CSS-004)

A successful field trial led to the design and integration of a full-scale Partial Processing (PP) system for a Mobile Offshore Production Unit (MOPU) offshore Thailand.

The schematic of the full-scale PP system installation at the MOPU is illustrated in the figure above.  Two dedicated two-stage hydrocyclone skid packages, each consisting of 1×100% preseparator and 1×100% deoiler, were installed to receive fluids directly from the production manifold. The objective was to increase total liquid production from 100,000 BLPD to 180,000 BLPD at 90% water cut and achieve produced water treatment of <50ppm oil-in-water for disposal.  The yield is an increase of oil production from 10,000 BOPD to 18,000 BOPD, an 80% increase.

There were many challenges faced and overcome on this project including limitations of footprint on the MOPU and the process operations.  Increase in production results were achieved along with other O&M benefits such as:

  • Lowering of pipeline pressure, reducing fuel and power consumption to produced fluids
  • Bulk treating of fluids at the MOPU, reducing volume transferred to and from FSO
  • No extra pumping equipment required for increased production
  • Chemical usage reduction
  • Less fluid storage required at the FSO


  1. Rawlins, C.H., “Partial Processing: Produced Water Debottlenecking Unlocks Production on Offshore Thailand MOPU Platform”, paper SPE-187109-MS, presented at the 2017 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, October 9 – 11, 2017.  https://doi.org/10.2118/187109-MS
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