The following operating and installation parameters are recommended when designing a cyclonic jetting unit for your vessel. Note: these design parameters are specific to the eProcess Technologies eJECT™ technology only and may vary for other suppliers.
Total Affected Area Indicates Amount of Sand Removed
- Affected area: top area of the influenced ellipse
- affected diameter: mean value of major and minor ellipse axes (ref. post B-FSM-124).
Installation Guidelines:
- Spacing: 1.0 meter center-center on eJECT heads
- Set height (clearance below head): 4” (100 mm)
- Spray flow/pressure: 11 psid (0.75 bar) / 33 gpm (7.5 m³/hr)
- Slurry flow/pressure: 7 psid (0.5 bar) / 33 gpm (7.5 m³/hr)
- Sand depth: The unit can be fully covered
- Installation angle: Vertical (single row), 15° (double row)
- Spray source: any compatible water, must remove particles >1.0 mm
Next week I will discuss the cyclonic jetting cluster layout and control system design.
- Rawlins, C.H., “Design of a Cyclonic Solids Jetting Device and Slurry Transport System for Production Systems”, paper 166118, presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, 30 September – 2 October, 2013.