eProcess Technologies

The Subsea Wellhead Desander (B-FSM-181)

The subsea wellhead desander is surface technology applied subsea. It uses well-proven multiphase desander technology packaged for use in subsea applications.


  • Gas-condensate or multiphase wells
  • Up to 120 MMSCFD + 2000 BPD
  • Operates at 25 psid with separation size (D98) = 12 micron


  • FEA with DNV Certification
  • API 6A/17D
  • 5K or 10K, PSL 3, P+X, F22


  • Four tie-in points (TP)
  • 8”inlet/outlet, 2” flush, 4” sand
  • Bypass piping
  • Automated operation
  • Sand discharge or container

The Subsea Desander (SSD™) is being developed as a JIP.

Subsea Processing Requires Sand Management

  • All wells produce sand

No New Equipment Required for Separation

  • Proven equipment available topsides
  • Packaging for deepwater use needed

Solids Handling Main Concern

  • Covered later in presentation

Closing Technology Gaps

  • Coordination between major stakeholders
  • Cooperative development approach
  • Qualified experienced innovative partners
  • JIP Structure
  • Four Phase program from Concept to Field Verification
  • Develop and trial subsea multiphase desander
  • Up to six members


  1. Rawlins, C.H. and Ditria, J.C., 2019. “The Subsea Sand Management Challenge – What to do with the Sand?”. Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, 6-9 May, OTC-29278-MS. https://doi.org/10.4043/29278-MS
  2. Rawlins, C.H. 2019. “Enhanced Production Through Surface Facilities Sand Management.” SPE Distinguished Lecturer presentation. Link here
  3. eprocess-training.com

Next week I will discuss the FSM training demo vidoes.

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