eProcess Technologies

Partial Processing – Debottlenecking Hydraulically Constrained Systems (post B-CSS-002)

Partial Processing (PP) packages are typically installed in marginal or mature fields to unlock its true production potential.  Throughput from these field are often constrained by water or gas or a combination of both. 

High water cut production is usually hydraulically constrained at one or multiple points of the system.  These points include:

  • Flowlines between Wellhead Platform (WHP) and Central Processing Platform (CPP)
  • Processing Plant /Equipment Packages at the CPP
  • Flowlines between WHP and Shore-Based processing facilities

PP packages utilize technology with a well-proven history in large and small scale operations around the of the world.  Successful partial processing at the wellhead platform can increase hydrocarbon production by 50 – 400+% by alleviating the point(s) of constraint.  The level of success will depend on several factors including knowledge of process design and integration, selection of the right equipment for the application, proper control philosophy, and design flexibility to handle varying conditions.

Developing a solid design basis for your partial processing system often requires a field trial. Do not skip this step.  Having a well-experienced company with the Right People to implement partial processing is key.


Rawlins, C.H., “Partial Processing:  Produced Water Debottlenecking Unlocks Production on Offshore Thailand MOPU Platform”, paper SPE-187109-MS, presented at the 2017 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, October 9 – 11, 2017.  https://doi.org/10.2118/187109-MS

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