Compact Flotation Unit
Produced water typically contains dissolved gas, especially at high process pressures. This gas is separated from the produced water stream to allow downstream operations to function properly and to prevent gas flashing to atmosphere during water disposal.
The eProcess Compact Flotation Unit (CFU) uses this available gas to float oil droplets that remain in the water phase after deoiler removal. The CFU will ensure additional water polishing leading to a further 60 – 80% reduction in oil in water content.
eProcess CFU’s are efficient micro gas bubble generators which attaches to oil or fine solids, and lifts these to the water surface for collection and removal. The CFU is a single cell vessel, where the unique eProcess eductor generates finely dispersed gas bubbles into the water stream, with minimum turbulence, and no short-circuiting.
Removal efficiency is influenced by physical characteristics of the incoming stream such as pH, total dissolved and suspended solids, temperature, and the presence of chemicals.
- Handles large range of oil concentrations
- Excellent bubble size control
- Low chemical dosage requirements
- Few moving parts
- Minimal oil skimmings & solids fouling
- Onshore oilfield produced water applications
- FPSO’s
- Collection of produced water from multiple streams
- Proven and robust primary & secondary water treatment methods
- CFU’s typically separate over 99% by volume of the lighter oil phase with particles from 20 to 50 microns and larger
- Produced water streams contain less than 1% oil in water, and typically contain between 1,000 to 5,000 ppm. At these levels a CFU after a deoling hydrocyclone will typically clean water in the range of 20 to 30 ppm
- Very large water treatment systems of 100,000 BWPD are generally handled by parallel process trains to provide redundancy and maintenance access during downtime