Sand Cleaning – Key Items and Technical Paper References (B-FSM-151)

This post concludes the discussion on offshore sand cleaning. This series was started with post B-FSM-133.
Key Takeaway Items from Sand Cleaning Module
- Only oil is practically cleaned to allow overboard disposal
- Sand cleaning systems employ mechanical scrubbing
- Heat and surfactants may be added but typically not used
- Cyclonic Cleaning System
- Uses mechanical scrubbing (shear, abrasion, and attrition)
- Closed loop cleaning cycle – eductors and cyclones
- Must match input/output to overall solids handling
- Sand cleaning is a system not an off the shelf product therefore needs proper process design
- Amani, H., “Evaluation of Biosurfactants and Surfactants for Crude Oil Contaminated Sand Washing”, Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol. 33, 2015, pp. 510-519.
- Buckley, J.S., Fan, T., “Crude oil/brine interfacial tensions”, Petrophysics, Vol. 48, No. 3, June 2007, pp. 175-185.
- Dai, Q., Chung, K.H., “Bitumen-sand interaction on oil sand processing”, Fuel, Vol. 74, No. 12, 1995, pp. 1858-1864.
- Davis, E.A., Lien, B.K., “Laboratory Study on the Use of Hot Water to Recover Light Oily Wastes from Sand”, U.S. EPA Project Summary Report EPA/600/SR-93/021, May 1993.
- Garcia, J.A., “A System for Removing and Disposing of Produced Sand”, Journal of Petroleum Technology, April 1974, pp. 450-454.
- Hess, M., Sinker, A., Rawlins, H., “Treatment of Solids at Oil Production Installations”, paper presented at IBC Conference on Meeting Environmental Standards for the Offshore Industry, Aberdeen, UK, December 1997.
- Hodson, J.E., Childs, G., Palmer, A.J., “The Application of Specialist Hydrocyclones for Separation and Clean-Up of Solids in the Oil and Gas Industry”, paper 7590 presented at the 26th Annual OTC, Houston, TX, USA, 2-5 May 1994.
- Melchor, A.E., da Costa, A., Rodriguez, C., Pena, J.R., “E&P Waste Management in the Orinoco Delta”, SPE Drilling & Completions, September 2002, pp. 164-173.
- Murray, A.J., Kapila, M., Ferrari, G., Degouy, D., Espagne, B.J-L., Handgraaf, P., “Friction-Based Thermal Desorption Technology: Kashagan Development Project Meeting Environmental Compliance in Drill-Cuttings Treatment and Disposal”, paper 116169 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, CO, USA, 21-24 September, 2008.
- Quaishi, S., Bussmann, M., Acosta, E., “Capillary curves for ex-situ washing of oil-coated particles”, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, Vol. 18, 2015, pp. 811-823.
- Smith, P.G., van de Ven, T.G.M., “The Separation of a Liquid Drop from a Stationary Solid Sphere in a Gravitational Field”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 105, No. 1, May 1985, pp. 7-20.
- S. Patent 4347118, “Solvent Extraction Process for Tar Sands”, August, 31, 1982, assigned to Exxon Research & Engineering Co.
- S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, “Drilling Waste Management Information System: Fact Sheet – Thermal Treatment Technologies”, September 2, 2015,
Next week I will start the module on Dewatering-Transport-Disposal.