eProcess Technologies

Separator Jetting – Traditional Design - Controls (B-FSM-120)

The best mechanical and process designed jetting system will not realize its full potential without automation. It is criticalto automate the operation of the system – it will not properly “work” otherwise.

In reference to the header graphic the following controls should be implemented;

  • Operate one Zone at a time (spray jet + discharge) – sequentially
  • Use pressure differential control valve (PDCV) to set spray pressure
  • Resulting ΔP sets the spray water flow rate measured by flow transmitter (FT)
  • FT sets discharge flow control valve (FCV)
  • Density meter (DM) determines when to shut zone isolation valve (see post B-FSM-120 for reference slurry density of outlet)

Next week I will discuss the troubleshooting the traditional spray jetting systems.


  1. Priestman, G.H., Tippetts, J.R., Dick, D.R., “The Design and Operation of Oil-Gas Production Separator Desanding Systems”, Trans IChemE, Vol. 74, Part A, March 1996, pp. 166-176.
  2. Rawlins, C.H., “Design of a Cyclonic Solids Jetting Device and Slurry Transport System for Production Systems”, paper 166118, presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, 30 September – 2 October, 2013. https://doi.org/10.2118/166118-MS
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