eProcess Technologies

Demonstration Video 1 – Liquid Desander Operation (B-FSM-182)

A series of equipment demonstration videos have been produced to show the process operations of key Facilities Sand Management equipment.

The first of these videos is for the liquid desander – typically used on produced water streams to remove fine sand particles.

This video shows the following items;

  • Components and configuration of a 2” hydrocyclone set up as a desander
  • 35 liter accumulator
  • All components are clear for visualization of the particle flow
  • Uses coarse coal particles in water for ease of viewing
  • Shows standard, low concentration, and high concentration operation
  • Visualize the vortex flow pattern of cyclone technology
  • Also shows the benefit of the apex flux line in operation

The video can be accessed via our training website at www.eprocess-training.com/demo-videos/.

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