eProcess Technologies

Produced Water Treatment with Deoiling Hydrocyclones – Misconceptions & Corrections (B-PWT010)

Misconception 2 : Deoilers are Interchangeable / Replacements for other PWT equipment

Correction 2 : No they are not. The operation of a Deoiler is fundamentally different to every other PWT technology and must be designed and located to address this fundamental difference.

One of many ways to design a poor Deoiler hydrocyclone system

Deoilers operate best in high pressure, high temperature source locations. This typically means as far upstream in the PWT system as possible.

When in doubt – design as per follow three requirements;

  1. Locate the Deoiler on the water outlet leg of the production separator upstream of the LCV
  2. Locate the Deoiler on the water outlet leg of the production separator upstream of the LCV
  3. Locate the Deoiler on the water outlet leg of the production separator upstream of the LCV

Ensure that you minimise or eliminate high pressure drop / high shear sources upstream of the Deoiler PWT system.

Ensure that the critical pressure drop profiles required across the Deoiler are established and maintained at all times.

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