eProcess Technologies

Sand Cleaning – Step 2: Sand Cleaning Cycle (B-FSM-144)

The following actions comprise Step 2 of the package operation – Sand Cleaning Cycle. These steps accompany the following graphic.

  1. Utility water introduced to eductor, bring up to pressure/flow and fill sand cleaning cyclone and piping
  2. Utility water introduced to cyclonic jetting device and slurry outlet opened to eductor
  3. Slurry introduced to sand cleaning cyclone and pressure/flow set
  4. Sand recaptured into accumulator while water-oil discharged to closed drain tank or process – closed loop
  5. Loop cleaning continues based on time (tuned loop) or oil-on-sand content (based on sample)
  6. Cleaning takes place in cyclonic jetting device, eductor, piping, and sand cleaning cyclone


  1. Rawlins, C.H. and Wang, I. 2001. “Design and Installation of a Sand-Separation and -Handling System for a Gulf of Mexico Oil Production Facility”. SPE Production and Facilities, August, pp. 134-140. https://doi.org/10.2118/72999-PA
  2. Rawlins, C.H. 2019. “Enhanced Production Through Surface Facilities Sand Management.” SPE Distinguished Lecturer presentation. Link here

Next week I will cover Step 3 – clean sand discharge.

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